Matthew Olson

Software Engineer at Microsoft who studied Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, and Computer Science at Duke University. Interested in algorithms, app development, artificial intelligence, embedded systems, rock climbing, and Duke basketball. Contact me at

Github LinkedIn Resume


Recipe website that links with AmazonFresh. Applied for start up funding. Waiting to hear back.

50 Things to Learn Before College

Publishing book on Amazon. Novel about real-world topics that never come up in class.

Tunnel Diode Research

Published 'Scaling properties of noise-induced switching in a bistable tunnel diode circuit' in Europhysics Journal


Created art Instagram account and bot to generate traffic. Got 2000+ followers.

Sports Betting

Algorithm that compares potential to make money through sports betting. Determined small-conference NCAA basketball is best sport to bet on.

Personal Blog

My blog about life, school, work, politics, computer science, and other random topics.

Compiler Class

Simple compiler to learn about different stages of modern compiler construction.

Operating System from Scratch

Followed tutorial and created bootloader, built kernal (with malloc), made video outputs, handled interrupts, and built a shell.

Tiger-MIPS Compiler

Written in SML-NJ for ECE 553. Based on Modern Compiler Implementation by Andrew Appel


Learning about web development in Go. Job website with personal profiles (similar to LinkedIn)

Smart Mirror

Mirror that displays weather, calendar, and random video. Group project for Embedded Systems course.

Memristor Research

Awarded Lord Foundation Grant for $5,000 to study memristors. Produced integrated circuit and verified switching for memristor

Stanford Machine Learning

Supervised learning (SVM, neural networks), Unsupervised learning (clustering, deep learning), and best practices (bias/variance theory).

Free Code Camp

Currently taking course on front and back end web development. Learning js, bootstrap, jQuery, databases, node, vue, react, and d3.


iOS app that compares Uber and Lyft surge pricing at your current location

Globe Project

Trying to emulate a military visualization and control software. Simplified globe display using Cesium.js.

Caltech Machine Learning

Watched all lectures and completed all assignments for introductory course in ML that covers the basic theory, algorithms, and applications

Summer Videos

Worked on video producing and editing. Planning on making more videos. Here are my first videos (on youtube): Colorado, Road Trip, and Europe.

Pokemon Go Hack

Figured out how to simulate location to teleport anywhere to catch pokemon. Picture at White House.

Pong Challenge

Challenge your friends to beer pong games and see who is the best based on number of wins or cup differential

Snapchat Geofilter

Graphic design work using GIMP


Anonymous group messaging app made with Swift. Released to the App Store.

Arduino Alarm

Simple alarm system using Arduino Uno, ping sensor, led strip, and piezoelectric speaker.

Algorithmic Trading

Started working on algorithmic trading. Decided trading on fundamentals has low chance of success (despite my +600% gain). Next, I am working on trading based on news sentiment.


Built dashboard and beer tracker for Avery IPAs and APIs hackathon. Used Vaadin and Pusher to display and track data.


Travel website with trips for study abroad students.

SMS News

Current events texting service using Plivo SMS, Heroku cloud (Flask), and Wikipedia current events

Wake Up Call

Wake up call service using Plivo Call API, Heroku cloud (Flask), and APScheduler.

Dare Devil

An iOS social media plotform for dares. Facebook integration for friends and Stripe integration for crowdfunding.


Mac App of simple spider solitaire game. Play with 1, 2, or 4 decks. Undo and redo moves. Built and released in 5 days.

Snake on FPGA

Simple snake game built on FPGA with Verilog and MIPS code. Used FPGA buttons as inputs, VGA as game output, and 7-segment LED as score output.

Pipelined Processor

Built in Verilog HDL for FPGA. Included multiplier, divider, ALU, register file. Used bypassing, fast branching, and many other tricks to speed up computation.

Duke Enroll

Automated python script used to enroll a student in classes, so the student gets classes before they fill up. Helped me get into golf class.

Personal Website

Built this website to show my portfolio. Used template to help with CSS.


Latex and PDF of my resume.


Spontaneous location-based event planning app for iOS. Parse cloud backend. Built in approximately 6 hours at HackDuke.

Electrical Engineering Projects

Adder, comparator, SR Latch, JKFF, FSM Counter, Asychronous FSM, Light following Arduino with RFID detection

Physics Labs

Speed of light, blackbody spectrum, muon detection, optical interference with Michelson interferometer, photoelectric effect, two-slit interference

Signal Processing

Music synthesis, digital audio effects (echo, flanging, feedback), touch tone phone decoder, sampling and aliasing, voice scrambler/descrambler, AM radio

Single Cycle Processor

Built program counter, register file, and ALU for simple processor. Used logisim to design circuit elements.

Cache Simulator

Implemented single level cache and memory system in Java. Used write-back and write-allocate. Handled hits and misses.

Huffman Coding

Created huffman compression algorithm and huffman decompression algorithm in Java. Derived pre-character encodings and wrote bits according to the encoding.

Markov Text Generation

Made text generator based on characters and words in Java. Used a hashmap to store data efficiently.

DFS and Union Find Algoritms

Estimated the value of the percolation threshold via the Monte Carlo Simultion in Java. Used DFS to see if a path existed. Used union find to connect elements in a set.

Binary Search and Trie Algorithms

Implemented in Java for Boggle game. Used Binary search with all possible words. Used trie algorithm to create word prefixes.